Top 3 investors which earned the most on bitcion growth.


Top 3 investors which earned the most on Bitcoin growth

Forbes has published a list of bitcoin investors who have earned the most from the rise in cryptocurrency. The top 3 includes:

Cameron & Tyler Winklevoss – cofounders of cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, which now does about $300 million a day in digital asset trades, were among the first recognizable names to buy bitcoin. They each hold about more than $1.4 billion in digital assets.

Matthew Roszak – founder of the blockchain startup Bloq. Forbes estimates that its cryptocurrency assets are $1.2 billion, up from roughly $300 million a year ago.

Tim Draper – partner-founder of the venture company Draper Fisher Jurvetson. In 2014, he says, he bought 29,656 bitcoins for $18.7 million (price: just $632 per coin). Assuming Draper kept everything he bought in 2014, his cryptocurrency will be worth $1.1 billion.